Life Science Open Space – Collaboration and Innovation Summit for Health and Quality of Life

Data konferencji: 2023-11-30
Miejsce konferencji: Krakowski Park Technologiczny, Podole 60, 30-394 Kraków
Organizator: Klaster LifeScience Kraków, Sano Centre for Computational Personalised Medicine - International Research Foundation, Krakowski Park Technologiczny
Opłata konferencji: bezpłatne
Publikacja pokonferencyjna: -

Life Science Open Space – Collaboration and Innovation Summit for Health and Quality of Life.

The Life Science Open Space is an event for scientists, innovators, entrepreneurs, doctors, brokers, investors, and officials – who share a commitment and drive for cooperation in solving problems, facing challenges, and developing INNOVATIONS FOR THE HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE.


  • COLLABORATION: pitch your idea, challenge, project, or startup to verify the value or find like-minded supporters, partners, investors, and employees.
  • NETWORKING: establish direct relations, explore opportunities, and let your voice be heard.
  • EXHIBITION: showcase your project and raise interest in and desire for your solution.
  • MATCHMAKING: connect via the LSOS Collaboration Platform with other participants and the LSOS community and start a 1:1 dialogue (*).
  • MARKETPLACE: access details on collaboration offers or requests (

As the World gets older and more digital, We – the Life Science Community – meet together, to share insights, needs, ideas, projects, and opportunities to help people live longer and healthier.

We are excited to invite you to the 13th edition of LSOS in Krakow. This year, the life science community meets LIVE, Nov 30th – Dec 1st, at the Krakow Technology Park.

Join us to pitch your collaboration offer or just to connect with peer innovators – it’s always a win-win situation… BECAUSE INNOVATIONS HAPPEN THROUGH COLLABORATION.

For details, go to or connect with the


Welcome to Kraków!

The General Partner is the City of Krakow



Dyscyplina naukowa: nauki o zdrowiu, nauki medyczne
Dziedzina naukowa: Dziedzina nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu, Dziedzina nauk rolniczych, Dziedzina nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych