Data konferencji/ Conference date: 2024.04.24-26
Data nadsyłania abstraktów/ Date of submission of abstracts: until March 12th, 2024
Miejsce konferencji/ Conference venue: hybrid format (Lublin-Janów Lubelski)
Organizator/ Organizers: Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin and Doctoral Students Council of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Mail do organizatora/ mail to the organizer:
Strona www konferencji/ conference website:
Opłata konferencji/ Payment:
The fee for the participation in the first day of the event – 3rd International PhD Students’ Conference: Environment-Plant-Animal-Product (ICDSUPL), 24th April 2024 – that will be held in Lublin is: 45 Euro (or 200 PLN) – both for stationary an on-line participation. The fee includes: participation in the Conference; one abstract with DOI publication; coffee break and lunch for stationary participants
The fee for the participation in the entire event – 3rd International PhD Students’ Conference: Environment-Plant-Animal-Product together with the International Workshops at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland (ICDSUPL) 24-26th April 2024 – is: 325 Euro (or 1500 PLN) – only stationary format. The fee includes: participation in the Conference and International workshops; one abstract with DOI publication; accommodation in Janów Lubelski; coffee breaks and lunches during the event; gala dinner; barbecue dinner; field trip to ZOOM Nature Park; bus transport Lublin-Janów Lubelski-Lublin
Publikacja pokonferencyjna/ Publications: All abstracts will be published on-line on and all abstract will have DOI.
The University of Life Sciences in Lublin is pleased to invite you to the 3rd International PhD Students’ Conference: Environment-Plant-Animal-Product together with the International Workshops at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland (ICDSUPL) which will be held on April 24-26, 2024. The event is an excellent opportunity to present the results of the latest research, exchange scientific views , sharing research experiences, as well as establishing interdisciplinary cooperation. We believe that the Conference will contribute to the creation of inter-university research teams, both national and international, and the integration of the doctoral student community. The event program includes:
- The first day of the event (24th April 2024) – 3rd International PhD Students’ Conference: Environment-Plant-Animal-Product (ICDSUPL) –will be held at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin and it will have a hybrid format. Stationary events will be held at the Congress Hall and Conferences Halls of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 15, Lublin. Conference sessions include: Food Quality; Animal Sciences; Plant Sciences; Environment; Technology; Basic Sciences; Health Sciences.
- The second and the third days of the event (25-26th April 2024) – International Workshops supported by the STER NAWA project “Actions towards the internationalization of the Doctoral School of the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (I-SDUPL)” – will be held in Janów Lubelski only in stationary format. Workshops on soft skills development include aspects such as: good practices in adult education abroad, methods activating and supporting learning, education in a multicultural environment.
Program konferencji/ Conference programme – w załączeniu/ enclosed
Kontakt/ Conference Secretary
PhD Eng. Małgorzata Wysocka
tel. (+48) 81 445 66 80
Dyscyplina naukowa/ scientific discipline: interdisciplinary
Dziedzina naukowa/ Scientific field:
The field of engineering and technical sciences, The field of medical sciences and health sciences, The field of agricultural sciences, The field of exact and natural sciences, The field of veterinary sciences, The field of biological sciences
For more information click here.