Open lecture: Germany and the Visegrad Group: from Asymmetry to Complementarity?

Data konferencji: 2021-05-31
Miejsce konferencji: online
Organizator: V4 Cooperation within the EU: Challenging the Rise of Euroscepticism
Opłata konferencji: free
Publikacja pokonferencyjna: -
Economic cooperation between Germany and the V-4 countries in recent years is an impressive success story. However, data on rising numbers in trade exchange and investment reveal also strong asymmetries – particularly in the area of innovation. As there is a lot of discussion in CEE countries about their future model of capitalism it is also a good opportunity to consider chances for a more complementary relation with Germany.
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💻 online
🇬🇧 english
🗓 31.05.2021
🕰 10:00
Participation is free. We do not register for the meeting.
The project is financed by International Visegrad Fund and carried out by four public universities: University of Economics in Katowice (coordinating partner), Mendel University in Brno, National University of Public Service in Budapest and University of Economics in Bratislava.
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Dziedzina naukowa: Dziedzina nauk humanistycznych, Dziedzina nauk społecznych