Energy Transformation: Opportunities and Threats.

Data konferencji: 14-15.12.2023 r. 

Data nadsyłania abstraktów: 20 listopada, 2023

Miejsce konferencji: Stacjonarnie Sala Posiedzeń WPIA UMK oraz online

Organizator: Katedra Prawa Cywilnego WPIA UMK oraz Studenckie Koło Naukowe „on/off”

Mail do organizatora:

Strona wydarzenia

Opłata konferencji: 100 zł czynne/35 zł bierne 

Publikacja pokonferencyjna: Nie

📣Attention! 📣

The Department of Civil Law and the Student Scientific Club of Energy Law ‘on/off’ at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus Research University in Toruń warmly invite you to the International Scientific Conference titled “Energy Transformation: Opportunities and Threats.”

On December 14-15, 2023.

The conference will take place in a hybrid format:
✔️ On December 14, in-person at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń,
✔️ On December 15, online using the Google Meet platform.

The event aims to facilitate the exchange of information and experiences and promote the need for the development of energy law. Furthermore, it seeks to foster the growth of scientific communities and provide an opportunity for theorists and practitioners in the field of energy law and the energy market to engage with each other.

We welcome you to participate in scholarly debates encompassing energy law, civil law, environmental protection, and likely many other disciplines. The proposed range of topics includes:
💡 Energy transformation as a global challenge,
💡 Legal regulations governing the energy transformation process,
💡 New technologies supporting the development of energy transformation,
💡 Socio-environmental aspects of low-emission energy development,
💡 Energy security vs. low-emission energy,
💡 Energy communities in the energy transformation process,
💡 Energy transformation in industry and transportation,
💡 Energy education and awareness,
💡 EU energy policy,
💡 Energy market in the European Union,
💡 European Green Deal.

The organizers invite both academic professionals, practitioners, as well as students and doctoral candidates to participate in the conference.

📌 🗣️We encourage active participation. In this case, abstracts should be submitted to form by the 20th of November. Abstracts should not exceed 250 words.
A presentation during the conference should not exceed 15 minutes, and in the case of a co-authored presentation, 20 minutes. At the same time, the organizers reserve the right to select abstracts based on the proposed topics and research issues.

📌👂 We also encourage passive participation and submissions through the form.

🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♀️In case of any doubts, feel free to contact us via email at:

We warmly welcome you and look forward to seeing you! ☺️